Friday, August 22, 2014

Monday For Success! !

Friday For Success! !

Praying, Praising, and Worshiping For Success

Praying, Praising, and Worshiping For Success.


GOAL: Set 2 days each week excluding Sunday for Massive Praying, Praising, and Worshiping for Success.

It’s not too late With GOD. Start your Journey today and see him start his best in you!!

There is power in praying, praising and worshiping.

Praying, praising and worshiping is the best communication you can do with GOD.

Instead of wasting time seating down and complaining to people.

Spend time communicating your problem to GOD.

Instead of spending time Bragging about your success.

Spend time thanking GOD and bragging about GOD on how he is making you successful

Instead of wasting time fighting with your enemies.

Let Jesus handle your enemies because vengeance is not yours.

Instead of wasting time trying to focus on what so and so is doing.

Start focusing on GOD, you, your goals, your family, and loved ones.

You are running out of time because you’re focusing on the wrong stuff.

Set you focus on GOD by Praying, praising and worshiping.

See your life changing, GOD is a game changer, trust him always.

Audit your time inventory to see how you are spending your time and give more time to GOD.

And see your life changing for the best!!

 If you need to fast, fast and let all your requests known to GOD.

Do it for you and start recording how GOD is blessing you so you can be a blessing with your testimonies.

You can go wrong with People but you will never go wrong with GOD.

Put your trust in GOD ALWAYS and have some quite time to listen to his Voice.

GOD can turn the ODDS to your favor in a split second.

Your enemies will start fighting for you instead of fighting with you!!

Never give up even if the odds are not in your favor.

Keep pressing Forward, Keep moving and delete all destructions.

Get Ready “The Best Is Yet To come”
God is turning you story upside down
Claim it and do not settle for less!!
It’s your time to shine.

Stay blessed….Lady SuccessForHumanity Registered & Protected 

Saturday For Success!!

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Success for Humanity

How to share success

*      We need to look for an opportunity to be a blessing to others in all aspects.

*      When we get blessed lets be a blessing to others and see our blessings multiply.

*      Be Mentor to others

*      Sharing ideas with others

*      We Connect others with the resources they need to achieve their success

*      We Encourage others in their areas of success

*      We Promote other’s success by sharing their success with other people or Groups.

We always need to look for an opportunity to be a blessing knowing that when God is ready to bless us, he first gives us any opportunity to be a blessing to others!! Someone is going to be blessed today ….it might well be us!! Remember God qualifies the unqualified to do the impossible despite what we think our potentials are……so let’s not limit ourselves. If God says we move we move because he is in control.

By Lady SuccessForHumanity Registered & Protected 

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Success for Humanity

How to Move the Mountain Blocking Your Success

Stop!! Stop!! Have a minute of thinking praying.


Ø  What is the mountain stopping your success?

Ø  How can you move it?

Ø  What is the next step if it does not move?

 Once you discover the mountain that is blocking you success you need two things to happen:

The spiritual way and the physical way

Faith is needed to tell the mountain to move off you way and at the same time we need to do our physical part depending with the success we are trying to achieve. If the mountain is not moving we need to climb it with faith until we get to the other side. Most often we tend to give up because a mountain is sitting in front of us. Hey if you do not try you have automatically failed however if you try then at least you will lend somewhere. Prayer  moves any mountain and prayer can let you climb any mountain…so tell  whatever your mountain is to move today or climb it today…Whichever, way  you are going to do it keep moving, keeping pressing until you get there. Our God is faithful and always in control so let’s trust and put him first.


By Lady SuccessForHumanity Registered & Protected